Saudi Engineers Authority pays tribute to Eng. Al-Sleie, and intends to establish Experts Engineering Committee

Saudi Engineers Authority intends to establish a committee that combines experts in all engineering fields, in order to provide the technical consultancy as required. Such committee shall represent a national reference for information and technical consultancy whenever needed or upon the submission of urgent technical consultancy request by governmental authorities. Committee hence would be a direct strong helpful element to all authorities which are occupationally or technically specialized in engineering. The same would also raise the efficiency of national engineers and engineering profession. Authority's Board of Directors is working on the formation of the committee as soon as possible in order to undertake the works to be assigned in the future. Dr. Jamil Al-Baqawi, Chief of Saudi Engineers Authority's Board of Directors, clarified that the Authority seeks to embrace all national efficiencies in order to form a comprehensive engineering team that reports thereto, serves the community and undertakes the direct supervision over a number of the biggest national projects which relate to all governmental and non-governmental sectors.

His Excellency, Dr. Jamil, also commented on the news providing that the Saudi engineer, Jaber Al-Sleie has reached the mysterious site of the Malaysian plane in an early timing, he said that the authority is proud of all national engineers in all fields and experiences, such engineers represent the un-disposable corner stone of the authority. The later pays tribute to the discovery that was achieved by one of Authority's members, for whom this engineering committee was established, looking forward to help the nation and the citizen considering the huge number of experts it will include.

The Saudi Engineer, Jaber Al-sleie, holding the degree of a Consultant in Saudi Engineers Authority, has reached the site of the Malaysian plane which has been missing for a year and a half, through some studies he made, according to a local newspaper, since the early days after the disappearance. Eng. Al-Sleie sent several messages to the email of the Malaysian Airlines Company, however, the later ignored his messages prior to making sure of such information lately, after the discovery of a part of the plane wreckage near French Rinion Island, near the coast of Madagascar Island, that is the same location discovered by Eng. Al-Sleie long time ago.

From his part, Eng. Abdul-Naser Abdul-Latif, PR Manager and Public Speaker of Saudi Engineers Authority, confirmed that establishing such experts committee was one of the most important strategic turning points in the current period of Authority's Board. Such committee would provide solutions to many engineering problems that face engineers in different fields and in all projects. Eng. Abdul-Latif added that the authority intends to make the committee comprehensive and combining all engineering efficiencies in order to work effectively and contribute to the engineering field. The committee will also represent a direct communication point between the Authority and other sectors and engineers in order to benefit from the experience provided by the authority.